As a valued customer, we’re thrilled to offer you our exclusive loyalty program, designed to recognize and reward your continued business with us. Through this program, you’ll gain access to a range of exceptional benefits, including:
Earn points on every purchase: Accumulate points with every order you place, regardless of the size or amount.
Redeem points for exciting rewards: Convert your points into a variety of rewards, such as discounts, free products, exclusive access to events, and much more.
Enjoy exclusive perks: As a member, you’ll be eligible for special promotions, early access to new products, and personalized recommendations tailored to your business needs.
Stay informed and engaged: Receive regular updates on program news, upcoming events, and exclusive offers tailored to your interests.
Get desidelights wallet credits for everything you do on desidelights.
- ₹25 on new user Sign up
- ₹1 per day for daily website login
- ₹1 per day for referring a visitor
- 2% Cashback for every purchase on desidelights